National Day of Andalusia Spain

national dayThe National Day of Andalusia Spain is 28 February also known as Dia de Andalucia.The National Day of Andalusia, also known as Día de Andalucía, is a regional public holiday celebrated in the autonomous community of Andalusia in Spain.

National Day of Andalusia Spain

Likewise as stated above that the national day which is also known as Día de Andalucía, is a regional public holiday celebrated in the autonomous community of Andalusia in Spain. It is celebrated annually on February 28th to commemorate the day when Andalusia gained autonomous status in 1980, after many years of struggle and campaigning for greater regional autonomy. It is the second largest region of Spain, with an area of 87,268 square kilometers, and a population of approximately 8.5 million people.

See also the National Day of Andorra as well as the National Day of Bahrain and the National Day of American Samoa.

Public Holidays in Andalusia Spain

Firstly here is a list of the official public holidays in Andalusia:

  • New Year’s Day: January 1st
  • Epiphany: January 6th
  • Andalusia Day: February 28th
  • Good Friday: the Friday before Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday: the Monday after Easter Sunday
  • Labor Day: May 1st
  • Assumption Day: August 15th
  • All Saints’ Day: November 1st
  • Constitution Day: December 6th
  • Immaculate Conception: December 8th
  • Christmas Day: December 25th


Finally in addition to these public holidays, each city and town in Andalusia may have its own local holidays. See also the public holidays Tasmania as well as the Bahrain public holidays.

See also  National Day of Bahamas