National Day of Kenya

national dayThe National Day of Kenya is on the 12 December (Independence Day, from the United Kingdom 1963; Republic Day, (Jamhuri Day), 1964). You will note that the day is also known as Jamhuri Day. This means Republic Day in Kenya which is in the Swahili language.

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National Day of Kazakhstan

national dayThe National Day of Kazakhstan  is on the 25 October (Republic Day, declared sovereign republic within the USSR 1990). The National Day of Kazakhstan, also known as the Day of the First President, is celebrated annually on the 1st December 1st each year. The holiday commemorates the anniversary of the day when Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first President of Kazakhstan, took office in 1991.

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National Day of Japan

national dayThe National Day of Japan is on the 11 February (National Foundation Day, Jimmu, the first emperor, is crowned in year 660 BC). Also known as “National Foundation Day,” is celebrated annually on 11th February. It is a public holiday in Japan that commemorates the mythological creation of Japan and the establishment of the first Japanese imperial dynasty by Emperor Jimmu in 660 BC.

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National Day of Jamaica

national day

The National Day of Jamaica is well known in the Caribbean. Jamaica celebrates the national day or day of independence on the 6th August each year. This is a public holiday and it is to celebrate. This as well as mark the country’s independence from the United Kingdom. This occured in 1962.

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National Day of Italy

national dayThe National Day of Italy is on the 25 April (Partisans liberate Genoa, Milan and Turin from German troops in 1945). Moreover the 2nd June (Festa della Repubblica, Italy is voted a republic in 1946. It was when Giuseppe Garibaldi died on this date in 1882).

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National Day of Ireland

national dayThe National Day of Ireland is on the 17th March (St. Patrick’s Day, patron saint of Ireland). This as you will note is a public holiday in Ireland and Northern Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day is named after Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, who is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland in the 5th century.

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National Day of Iran

national dayThe National Day of Iran is on the 11 February (Victory of Islamic Revolution). This is also known as the “Day of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” is celebrated annually on 11th February. This holiday commemorates the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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National Day of Indonesia

national dayThe National Day of Indonesia is on the 17 August (Proclamation of Independence day, (Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan R.I.), from Japan 1945). The national day is also known as Hari Kemerdekaan, which means “Independence Day” in Indonesian. This day marks Indonesia’s declaration of independence from the Netherlands on August 17th, 1945.

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National Day of India

national dayThe National Day of India is on the 26 January (Republic Day, becoming the first republic in the British Commonwealth of Nations 1950), 15 August (Independence Day, from the British Empire 1947).

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