National Day of Sierra Leone

national dayThe National Day of Sierra Leone is on the 27th April (Republic Day, independence from the United Kingdom 1961). This celebrates the country’s independence from Great Britain on the 27th April 1961. Sierra Leone is a West African country known for its beautiful beaches, tropical rainforests, and diverse wildlife.

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National Day of Serbia

national dayThe National Day of Serbia is on the 15th February (The beginning of the Serbian revolution against Ottoman rule 1804, first constitution 1835). The National Day of Serbia which is also called Statehood Day. This as stated is celebrated on 15th February. It marks the anniversary of the First Serbian Uprising in 1804, which has in the end led to the creation of the Serbian independent state.

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National Day of Saudi Arabia

national dayThe National Day of Saudi Arabia is on the 23 September (unification of the kingdoms Nejd and Hejaz 1932). This is also known as the Saudi National Day or the Day of the Unification. As explained this is an annual celebration on the 23rd September. It marks the anniversary of the unification of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by King Abdulaziz in 1932.

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National Day of Russia

national dayThe National Day of Russia is on the 12th June – Russia Day, declaration of sovereignty in 1990, (law priority over Soviet Union laws). Russia Day is the National Day of Russia. Basically is was explained above. This holiday celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation on June 12, 1990.

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National Day of Romania

national dayThe National Day of Romania is on the 1 December (Union Day, unification with Transylvania 1918). The National Day of Romania is also called the Great Union Day, is celebrated on December 1st each year. This day celebrates the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom in 1918. Likewise this then led to the formation of Greater Romania.

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National Day of Puerto Rico

national dayThe National Day of Puerto Rico is on the 25th July (Constitution Day, establishment of Commonwealth of Puerto Rico 1952. Formerly Invasion Day (1898)). The 4th August 1952 of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico established a full state holiday annually on the 25th July to be known as Puerto Rico Constitution Day.

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National Day of Portugal

national dayThe National Day of Portugal is on the 10 June (Portugal Day, “Day of Camões, Portugal, and the Portuguese Communities”, National Poet Luís de Camões dies in 1580). The National Day of Portugal, also known as “Portugal Day” or “Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities”, is celebrated annually on the 10th June.

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National Day of Poland

national dayThe National Day of Poland  is on the 3 May (Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja, Constitution Day, 1791). Also the 11th November. (Święto Niepodległości, Independence Day which was the restoration of independence from Austro-Hungary (National Day of Hungary), Prussia, and Russia (National Day of Hungary) in 1918.

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National Day of Philippines

national dayThe National Day of the Philippines, also known as “Araw ng Kalayaan” or “Independence Day”, is celebrated on the 12th June. The day celebrates the country’s independence from Spanish colonial rule on the 12th June 1898. Read below on the history of the country and their day of independence.

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