National Day of Georgia

national dayThe National Day of Georgia is on the 26th May (Day of First Republic, declaration of independence from Russia in 1918). This day is a public holiday in Georgia to celebrate their independence from the Soviet Union on the 26th May 1991.

National Day of Georgia

This started with the collapse of the Soviet Union. So as we known that in 1991, the Soviet Union, of which Georgia was a part, collapsed, leading to the emergence of independent states in the region. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia declared its independence on the 9th April 1991.

See also the National Day of Ghana as well as the National Day of Russia as well as the Tonga National Day.

Public Holidays in Georgia

Here are the public holidays in Georgia:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Orthodox Christmas Day – January 7
  • Orthodox Epiphany Day – January 19
  • Mother’s Day – March 3
  • International Women’s Day – March 8
  • Georgian Independence Day – May 26
  • Day of the Holy Trinity (Orthodox Pentecost) – variable date (usually in May or June)
  • Saint Andrew’s Day – May 12
  • Saint George’s Day – November 23
  • Saint Nicholas Day – December 6
  • Saint Barbara’s Day – December 17
  • Christmas Day – December 25
  • Boxing Day – December 26

Note that the dates for the Orthodox holidays may vary each year.



See also  National Day of Gabon